Tuesday, July 19, 2005


Lately, my mind is occupied by blog-o-blogs! While cooking, while putting my daughter to sleep or while travelling, all I can think of are the different posts & comments or ideas for my next post etc. I am just short of thinking aloud (like Deepti Naval practising her singing everywhere in 'Chashme Badoor'!). And atlast when I find time to sit infront of the system, I am eager to read new posts in my regular blogger-pal sites, go blog hopping and by the time I am back, I hardly remember all those ideas/thoughts that I've been having all day!!!


Balaji said...

very funny... but don't worry, u'll get over it soon :) just the initial euphoria(or is it blogphoria?)!

Munimma said...

Yep, you go from bloghoria to blogohrrea

Anonymous said...

Hmmm... thats quite interesting.. actually i am also planning to start off this blog thing but will take my own sweet time getting a feel of your blog

Balaji said...

though u hope blogohrrea doesn't lead to blogstipation :)

Me too said...

Balaji & Munimma,
Ennappa bayamuruthringa? Are there specialist Blogologists to treat these? Any OTC recommendations?

Don't delay. You are already missing the fun!

Exactly. Like your 'endless thoughts'. Thanks for dropping by.

Balaji said...

dont worry... blogohrrea is a good thing. and blogstipation vandhaa, just look at a few other blogs where the bloggers have blogohrrea and your blogstipation will change to blogspiration :)

Balaji said...

1 week aachu... no posts... enna adhukkulla blogstipationaa?!

Me too said...

Balaji, as you can see, I had been working(!) on a big post with lots of research(cut&paste)done during the weekend. Hence the delay. Anyway, thanks for dropping by.